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Mold Assessor License
Mold Remediator License


Drywall Repair and Restoration


Atp knows how destructive a water loss can be. If the water is not properly dried out quickly it can cause mold to grow within 24 hours. Unexpected problems can occur quickly such as plumbing, roof and hvac leaks which can cause a lot of stress and damage to the property.

Over the years, ATP has put together a great team of friendly professional licensed and insured contractors. Our contractors have been assisting our clients in there time of need with issues relating to Plumbing, HVAC, Roofing, Waterproofing, Electrical, Cabinetry, Drywall, Flooring and Painting.

Our team of professional contractors will make sure the job is done correctly. We take pride in our work to assure our clients are 100 % satisfied.


  • Phase 1
    Mold Detection and Discovery Visual Assessment of Your Home Starting at $125.00. ATP finds the mold. Our specialized on-site mold detection service includes a visual inspection of your property.
  • Phase 2
    Pre-Testing Third Party Verification ATP determines whether the mold is toxic. A certified independent laboratory analyzes the test cultures to identify the mold species as well as the total colony forming units (CFU). If Biological risks are identified, ATP prepares a comprehensive report to explain the specific biological risks and develops a customized treatment plan. This report is then reviewed with our clients in the strictest of confidence.
  • Phase 3
    Mold Treatment ATP applies the TM-100 Formula. Professionally trained technicians apply the TM-100 technology by utilizing our proprietary atomization process, which allows TM100 to be surface applied and injected behind walls or into air vents to treat hidden toxic molds. All work is performed at the convenience of our clients, including off hours, evenings, and weekends.
  • Phase 4
    Post-Testing Third Party Verification ATP provides provides certified results. Within 72 hours after a treatment plan has been completed, ATP repeats the above mentioned comprehensive on-site biological collection protocol and a certified independent laboratory analyzes the test cultures. Data from the Pre-Testing and Post-Testing results are analyzed and a comprehensive report is prepared and made available to the client on a confidential basis, thus providing a scientifically based assurance that the indoor air quality (IAQ) is safe.
  • Phase 5
    Mold Prevention ATP offers mold prevention and maintenance plans tailored to our clients specific needs to prevent further outbreaks of biological toxins.
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